ST JOHN'S Methodist Church in Whitchurch has waved goodbye to its long-servicing minister, Reverend Rob Weir.

Saturday was Rev Weir's last at day at the church, before moving to pastures new in North Yorkshire.

Meanwhile, Saturday also saw church members see their hard work in repairing and renovating the church rewarded, with a visit from Shropshire Historic Churches Trust.

Over the last few years, much work has been done to service the church, including the construction of a new disabled access ramp and new internal doors.

Harvey James, from the trust visited on Saturday to present the outgoing Rev Weir with a certificate.

Chris Crowther, from the church, said a service was held to thank Rev Weir for his time at St John's.

She said: "At the start of the morning service, Mr. Harvey James from Shropshire Historic Churches Trust presented our church with a certificate recognising our care in looking after a listed building.

"This service was also the last in the South Cheshire Circuit at which Rev Weir preached before leaving Whitchurch to move to a new placement in North Yorkshire in August.

"At the end of the service, Maurice Latham presented Rob with a cheque and our best wishes to him and his family.

"In the evening, a circuit service was held at St. John's led by our superintendent minister, Rev Rob Hilton, when the circuit was able to express its appreciation of Rev Weir's work in this area.

"Rev Hilton is back at St. John's next Sunday morning for the service at 10.30am.

"All are welcome."