STUDENTS in Whitchurch can "finally breath" after the 'long wait' to receive their A-Level results.

A level students who recently attended Sir John Talbot's School in Prees Road were delighted to receive their results and many will be attending university next term.

Holly Gilbert received one A* and two As and will be studying history in the University of Oxford and she said the 'wait and the stress is over.'

She added: "It feels amazing after the long wait and not doing GCSE's and having a normal exam results day.

"It has been really nice, the wait and the stress is over.

"We can finally breath now.

"It is really sad (to leave Sir John Talbot's).

"It is like our family, leaving all the teachers is going to be really tough and moving on.

"I can't really remember my time when we have not been here.

"It is going to be weird not coming here everyday."


Her friend, Zara Leary, received three A*s and will be studying English in the University of York and said she was excited about going away to university.

She added: "There are mixed emotions because it is really exciting going on to the next thing

"But it is sad."

Kenny Pugh and Masood Miah will be attending Liverpool John Moores University and they will be studying finance and accounting and business management respectively and Masood found his results were better than expected.

He said: "They were better than expected.

"I thought I would do worse than I actually did, I am happy with what I got."

Jo Haycock, the head of sixth form in the school congratulated the students for their results and said the students had a tricky time.

She added: "It is lovely to be able to celebrate with them because they have had a really tricky time.

"Every set of results is a story about how that student got there, the stories are just fantastic and it is so exciting for all the staff to share that with them after everything that has happened."

Tim Stonall, the headmaster of Sir John Talbot's, was delighted with the students and said they had had a difficult two years.

He said: "We are really delighted for our students.

"They have achieved such great things today, especially given the two years they had and exams being cancelled in 2020.

"We are really overjoyed they have done so well today.

"It is a really great day to see them moving on, sadly leaving us, but moving on to exciting next steps."