The Whitchurch Rotary Club has announced it has raised nearly £1,000 at the first in an autumn series of three car boot sales.

The Rotary Club held its first one by Alderford Lake in Tilstock Road on Sunday, August 7 and will be holding its next event on Sunday, September 4 and the last one will be held on Sunday, October 2.

The money raised will support the charities and causes the club supports and the president, Steve Chisholm, said it will be mainly for local causes but also international work.

He added: "We are still learning the ropes but the first sale has proved that our ‘four-way win’ approach could become a popular fundraiser, mainly for the local causes that we donate to but also for our international work.


"Sellers generate income.

"Buyers pick up bargains.

"Rotary earns the entrance fees.

"And our community receives the increased funding that we are able to offer.

"As usual, Whitchurch people are generously supporting us, which helps us do a better job for the town." The next sale on Sunday, September 4 will be by Alderford Lake and will open at 9am and there will be an entry charge of £1 per person.

Sellers will be able to set up on site from 8am with charges ranging from £10 to £15.