WELCOME to the latest edition of camera club.

Once again our wonderful visual story tellers have been out and about their localities with camera in hand to capture the best of what their region has to offer.

October will mean ever fewer hours of daylight to make such finds as the days draw in and get shorter.

However the end of summer should not mean the end of positivity, no matter how hard it is find some these days.

The author AA Milne wrote “The end of the summer is not the end of the world. Here’s to October" while philosopher Albert Canus wrote “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”

Certainly beauty can be found anywhere if you look hard enough and even with the death of summer we can embrace the lessons of the season,

Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go for nature does not stop and no matter how much we may want to delay winter, it is coming.

This year will of course be among the hardest winters in more than 40 years due to the cost of living crisis and with that in mind it is important to support one another more than ever as the nights draw in and temperatures drop.


It is as gratifying to hear charities are setting up warmth hubs as it is depressing that such things are needed in 2022.

However it reaffirms what we all know that we live among some wonderful people who go that extra mile to help their friends, family and neighbours for the only reason that they know that nobody else will.

We should celebrate these every day heroes and heroines for these are the people who are never too tired to help and never too busy to step up when needed.

Whitchurch Herald: Greenend in Whitchurch. Picture by Tim Dickenson.

Greenend in Whitchurch. Picture by Tim Dickenson.

Whitchurch Herald: 'Mush ado about nothing'. Picture by Brian Roberts.

'Mush ado about nothing'. Picture by Brian Roberts.

Whitchurch Herald: Autumn sunset. Picture by Tim Dickenson.

Autumn sunset. Picture by Tim Dickenson.

Whitchurch Herald: Daisy was always a bad example to Buttercup and Clover. Picture by Teresa Bandey.

Daisy was always a bad example to Buttercup and Clover. Picture by Teresa Bandey.

Whitchurch Herald: Cap and dog in hand. Picture by Sophie Hughes.

Cap and dog in hand. Picture by Sophie Hughes.

Whitchurch Herald: White Lion Meadow car park. Picture by Tim Dickenson.

White Lion Meadow car park. Picture by Tim Dickenson.

Whitchurch Herald: Would 'ewe' like a biscuit? Picture by Karen Holding.

Would 'ewe' like a biscuit? Picture by Karen Holding.