A PUPPET show will be coming to which next month.

Pickled Image Theatre Company will be putting on 'Woodland Tales with Grandad' and it will be perfoirmed in the Talbot Theatre in Whitchurch Leisure Centre on Sunday, March 5.

An event spokesperson said the show has an environmental theme and is suitable for people from the age of three upwards.

They added: "When machines begin to gather at the edge of the woods, mysterious voices are heard and a strange metallic smell fills the air.

"Laura the ladybird, Jeffrey the spider, Brett the Woodlouse and Willoughby the woodpecker are worried.

"Velda the Vixen knows there is one person who can help them, Grandad. "But is there enough time?

"Can they save the wood?

"And will the mystery stranger help?

"This beautiful tale is told through enchanting puppeteering with an important environmental message woven into its very fabric."

Whitchurch Herald:

You can see the trailer for the show by visiting https://www.artsalive.co.uk/

Tickets are £12 for adults, £6 for poeople under 18 or £30 for a family of four.

To buy tickets visit the website, pop into Whitchurch Leisure Centre or call 07506724572.