A CALVING shed is the subject of a planning application to Shropshire Council from a farm in Whitchurch.

Plans for a calf rearing shed, as well as a feed store and all associated works, were put to Shropshire Council at the start of December for land south east of Catterals Lane in Broughall, near Whitchurch.

A planning access and design statement, submitted for applicant S Kettleborough, by Halls, set out the plans for the shed.


It said: “Located in Broughall along Catterals Lane off the A525 at Brook Stones, the site is within an existing agricultural field forming part of a 22.26 acre (9.01 Ha) block of grassland, comprising four fields in a ring fence.

“A public right of way footpath is located along the eastern boundary, and the land benefits from high hedges, with a number of mature deciduous trees providing the land boundaries.

“Neighbouring properties are some several 100 metres to the north, east, west and south of the proposed site.

“A landscaping scheme is planned to increase habitat opportunity together with screened from direct views.

“There are no listed buildings, nor conservation areas within the vicinity.”

It added: “The land is already in-use and occupied by cattle as part of the applicants agricultural livestock business.

“The proposed development includes the building of an agricultural calf rearing shed, feed store, and associated works constructed of steel portal frame, concrete panels rising from level ground, finished up to eaves on three sides with timber clad, with one elevation retained open, all under fibre cement roof.

“The access point is retained, with the gate relocated 10 metres away from the carriageway, and only capable of opening in-ward/field-ward, with a further 20 metres hardstanding to ensure muck/field mud is not transferred to the highway from the field.

“No access widening nor new accesses are proposed.”

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It added: “Specifically designed to provide dry cover cattle housing, the land and proposed shed serve to store feed/fodder for youngstock cattle, shelter during winter periods, and the land provides sustainable production of silage/hay (weather dependent) for winter feed, removing the need to buy expensive winter feed.”

The existing gate for the land will also have to be moved 10 metres further back from the highways.

Anyone wishing to comment on the application can do so by searching 23/05172/FUL at Shropshire Council’s planning portal.