A RESIDENT living near the site of a proposed housing and care home development near Whitchurch has said local people are up in arms at the plans.

A meeting was held in March at Tilstock Bradbury Village Hall concerning potential development on land behind the main road connecting Whitchurch to Wem, with houses and a two/three-storey care home.

Residents who attended the meeting – with many saying it was by chance as they had not seen advertisements for it – were told that a survey ‘of local people’ returned an 80 per cent approval of the potential plans.


But Neil Hughes – who lives in Tilstock – said he spoke to neighbours and other residents at the meeting who said they had not received the survey and said people he has spoken to are against the proposals.

He added: “We only found out about this meeting because someone somewhere had found out about it.

“There had been no notification although it was claimed it was put on Facebook.

“I was there when the room was opened at 4.15pm and only a few people were present. Most people turned up about 5.30 so they could ask questions etc.

“They claimed that 80 per cent of people who had replied to a mail out had said they were in favour of the scheme.

“One person stated there would be a shop, hairdressers and doctors consulting room in the care home.

“When put to the room later it was confirmed that nobody had received this so-called survey.”

Mr Hughes says representatives for the project did not provide details such as the height and timescale of the building of the care home.

He also raised concerns on a speed survey carried out after expressing concerns over how fast vehicles travel down Tilstock Road.

He added: “I spoke to them about the traffic problems and the speed people drive down it.

“They did a traffic census for about seven days and they concluded that the average speed was 33 mph.

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“Which it would be because they put it on the bend in the road where people had to slow down. 

“Put it another 20 yards either way and you would get a totally different result.”

Mr Hughes added that parish councillors are opposing any plans to build a development and that previously, an application for three bungalows was dismissed by Shropshire Council within this area for not being suitable.