WHILE most Sixth Form students dream of their post-exams partying, one Thomas Adams student is dreaming of an unlikely upset in the General Election.

Sam Cladingbowl is currently sitting his A-Levels at Thomas Adams School in Wem but has registered as an Independent candidate for the North Shropshire seat at July’s vote.

His main supporter and dad Mike set out why his son, who hopes to study at Durham providing he is not elected, is standing at the election, to highlight where he thinks MPs have gone wrong.


He said: “Sam has been interested in politics for some time and decided last year to stand as an independent candidate for North Shropshire at the next general election.

“Like so many others, his view of MPs has been adversely affected by recent scandals and the many broken promises from the Government.

“Meanwhile, families are struggling, the NHS and care systems are on their knees, schools have to make cuts to balance their budgets, the pension age is too high, and veterans do not get the respect they deserve.

“He believes that we deserve better than this.

“While he is sympathetic to the work of many MPs, the vast majority are bound by their parties and are either uncapable or unwilling to stand up for their constituents in Parliament.

“If nothing else, Sam is determined to show that we can do something about this.

“He advocates more direct democracy, with regular and direct consultation with constituents about local and national issues.

“He believes it is our voices that MPs should listen to rather than the entreaties of the party whips.

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“He wants to send a message to the main political parties to tell them this, and asks you all to vote independent to ensure that this message is heard.”

Mike said Sam is a regular at various civic events, including reading the roll of honour at a recent Remembrance Day service.

He has lived in north Shropshire since he was very young, with his parents, his elder sister and family dog Flora, has a grade 8 in drumming and is an avid reader.