A CAR involved in a Whitchurch accident on Sunday was found in a hedge by emergency services arriving on the scene.

Four Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) crews arrived at the B5476 in Tilstock at around 1.40pm, with Whitchurch firefighters joined by Ellesmere, Wem and Wellington.

An operations officer was also in attendance.


A SFRS spokesman confirmed that crews used small gear to deal with the incident.

They added: “It was a road traffic collision involving two vehicles.

“One vehicle came to rest in hedge. Two persons released from vehicle and in care of ambulance service.”

A stop message was sent to SFRS control around and hour and 10 minutes later to confirm that no further support was needed.

A spokesman for the West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) confirmed they attended.

“We were called to reports of a car that had crashed into a hedge on the B5476 at 1.32pm yesterday, one ambulance attended the scene,” they said.

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“On arrival, we discovered two patients.

“A man, who was the driver, was assessed for a suspected medical incident before being taken to Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.

“A woman, who was the passenger, was assessed and discharged at the scene.”