A “proactive” Wem Nursey has been praised in a recent Ofsted inspection.

Wem Playmates Nursery was praised by inspectors who gave them a rating of 'good', singling out their work with younger children and the staff’s use of outdoor spaces.

In their report, Ofsted inspectors said: “The manager makes full use of the outdoors to deliver their curriculum. Children relish the opportunities for the play experiences within the nursery outdoor premises and their woodland play area.

“Staff plan purposeful activies based on children's recent play interests to support their learning. Toddlers eagerly observe and discuss the changes in the wormery they have recently helped to build. They use their understanding of shapes as they gather natural resources to create faces.

“Children show high levels of motivation, particularly while they play outdoors.”

The staff at the nursery were praised for their work promoting independence in the children.  


Inspectors added: “Staff support children's independence well and adapt the routines in each room.

“Children have the opportunities to gain confidence in their own abilities. This includes managing lunchtime routines and their personal care needs.

“The manager and staff value their partnership working with parents and encourage two-way conversations about children's development. Parents are pleased with the progress their children make and the support that staff provide.

“Staff successfully promote children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. They know how to adjust their questioning to encourage children to find solutions to problems.

“This supports children to be confident and independent learners. Staff skilfully weave mathematical exploration into their teaching. Pre-school children enthusiastically compare the size of the buildings in their drawings. They learn how to use a tape measure to find out how tall they are.

“Staff adapt their teaching and recognise opportunities when they can support children's social skills. For example, as they invite other children to join in with their play. Staff positively reinforce children's good behaviour, such as sharing resources with a friend.”