A local Chelsea pensioner met Pope Francis as part of the celebration of the liberation of Rome.

Mike Shanahan, who previously lived in Whitchurch, was part of the delegation with the Royal Irish Regiment as they marked the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Rome and the Vatican City.

Mike served as a Piper in the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, where he remained until 1968, when his regiment amalgamated with the Royal Ulster Rifles to become the Royal Irish Rangers.

(Image: Whitchurch Town Council)

The meeting marked the 80th anniversary of the moment when Pope Pius XII met allied troops on June 12.

On that day, soldiers from the Irish Brigade were among the first Allied forces to meet Pope Pius XII.

Huge crowds took to the streets of the city to celebrate the withdrawal of Nazi forces, while Pope Pius XII appeared on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica.


He told the crowds "In recent days we trembled for the fate of the city.”

"Today we rejoiced because, thanks to the joint goodwill of both sides, Rome has been saved from the horrors of war."

Mike was just one of three Chelsea pensioners to accompany the regimental visit to Rome which saw a performance of regimental tunes to recreate the scene 80 years ago.

(Image: Whitchurch Town Council)

As part of the commemoration, Mike met and shook hands with Pope Francis as part of a general audience with the Pontiff.

Whitchurch Town Council posted on social media about the event which praised Mike as a friend of the Town.

A spokesperson for the council said: “What a day this Wednesday was for local Chelsea Pensioner, and great friend of Whitchurch Town Council, Mike Shanahan.

“Mike was one of three Chelsea Pensioners chosen to accompany the Royal Irish Regiment and 38th Irish Brigade to meet Pope Francis at the Vatican - marking the 80th anniversary of Pope Pius XII’s meeting with Allied troops, who had freed Rome from Nazi occupation on June 12 1944.

“Mike met and shook hands with Pope Francis as part of a general audience with the Pontiff.

“What an occasion and what a memory - huge congratulations, Mike.”