A candidate was unable to take part in the North Shropshire general election hustings – as he was sitting his A-levels.

Samuel Cladingbowl who is running as an Independent was unable to take part in the debate, despite it being held in his own school.

The hustings, held at Thomas Adams School in Wem, saw candidates debate whilst receiving questions from pupils at the school.

Samuel Cladingbowl couldn't make the debate (Image: Mike Cladingbowl.)

Liberal Democrat candidate Helen Morgan, Conservative Simon Baynes, Reform’s Mark Whittle and the Green party’s Craig Emery all took part in the debate.

Each candidate introduced themselves giving their background as well as their top priorities for their parties. Topics discussed included “the NHS, the cost of living, taxes, transport, the environment, migration and mental health support for young people.”


Host and Assistant Headteacher James Hargreaves, said: “This has been a fantastic opportunity for our students to get involved in Politics ahead of the general election. Thank you to all the candidates in giving this opportunity for our students”.

(Image: Thomas Adams School)

A spokesperson for Thomas Adams added: “This morning, we welcomed four of North Shropshire’s parliamentary candidates to Thomas Adams School; Simon Baynes – Conservative, Helen Morgan – Liberal Democrats, Craig Emery – Green and Mark Whittle – Reform.

“Unfortunately, our very own Samuel Cladingbowl – Independent, was unable to attend due to sitting his Religious Studies A Level exam.

“Students from Years 10 and 12 joined the Hustings event with some pre-prepared questions ready to hand including what are the qualities needed to be an MP.

“One question all the candidates agreed on was to lower the voting age so that 16-year-olds have the right to vote.”