A MAN left a "trail of destruction" in a garden when he crashed his car through a hedge after drinking, a court heard.

Travis Nelson, of Wettenhall Road in Reaseheath, Cheshire East, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday.

The 42-year-old admitted one offence of failing to provide a specimen of breath when required, which took place at Llay Custody Suite in Wrexham on June 8 this year.

Justin Espie, prosecuting, told the court that at around 6pm on the day of the offence, police were called to the A525 at Bronington after a Land Rover drove through a hedge and into the garden of a property.

The vehicle had been abandoned when officers arrived.

Residents at the affected property took the police through the site to look at the damage.

From a hole in the hedge, a "trail of destruction" had been left across the garden including damage to plants, a metal shed, a greenhouse, a storage box and damage to a motorhome which was on the homeowner's drive.

Inside the abandoned Land Rover, officers found cans and bottles of alcohol.

They learned that the driver, Nelson, had stayed and chatted to the homeowners for a short time, then got out and limbered away with no explanation.

When the police arrived at his home, the defendant wasn't present.

Searches in the area continued until he arrived at the address.

He was handcuffed and asked for a breath sample, which he refused both at the scene and in custody at Llay.

Chris Clark, defending, told the court: "The defendant was a self-employed bricklayer at the time.

"He tells me work has been extremely sporadic since Christmas and he had been experiencing some severe financial difficulties.

"He is married with six children and you can imagine that the outgoings are significant.

"He accepts there had been an argument - this was becoming a regular event over money - and he took to drink.

"He accepts entirely his actions that day."


Mr Clark said his client "recognised he has a drink problem" and had "taken steps himself" to address it.

"Since the incident he hasn't drunk," he added.

"And on the positive side, he now has a full time job with a local builder."

Ronald Keating, chair of the magistrates, told the defendant: "This is a very serious offence.

"No doubt you were drunk - that's why you took evasive action. 

"Not only fleeing the scene and making it difficult for officers to find you but then to obstruct them in trying to basically find out what level of alcohol was in your breath is a very serious issue, as you know.

Whitchurch Herald:

"It doesn't do anyone any favours to try and evade justice.

"You have huge responsibility and in terms of your children you have to be a role model. You know these things.

"You have obviously made some really bad decisions."

Nelson received a 16 month driving ban and a £550 fine.

He must also pay a £220 victim surcharge and £85 costs.