A SENIOR member of a health board has reiterated it is committed to bringing a new health centre to patients between Wrexham and Whitchurch.

Simon Jones, associate director for Primary Care (East) for Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, attended a public meeting at the Hanmer Arms this month as residents made their feelings known about a new health centre.

Dr Kieran Redman, from Hanmer Surgery, has long been leading the campaign for a new building to cater for the needs of patients.


Mr Jones said that he welcomed the views exchanged at the meeting and promised to continue reporting back to the surgery.

He said: "I attended the meeting at Hanmer Surgery to update the Patients Action Group on the progress being made with the proposed new primary care building in Hanmer.

“I was glad to speak to and discuss with those in attendance the commitment the Health Board has in trying to get to an agreed position on the design and scale for the new surgery.   

"We have confirmed that as a Health Board we are committed to developing plans that meet the needs of the local population, balancing the functional requirements with a cost effective solution.

"The Health Board is in the process of working with its independent specialist estates advisors and the practice to agree on the project scope.

“The Health Board welcomed the opportunity to describe the process and discuss the issues with the action group, and I assured those present that plans are being assessed in line with the local Health Board and National NHS guidelines.

"We are in regular contact with the practice, as well as Llyr Gruffydd and LLAIS, who we will continue to include in our discussions."

More than 120 patients attended an open meeting at the Hanmer Arms and was chaired by Geoff Ryall-Harvey Director of Llais – The Patients’ Voice for Wales.

A spokesman for Hanmer patients group said: “The mood of the audience was angry especially when they heard just how long Dr Redman had been fighting for new premises.

“New premises for which he had secured a site and produced a business case and building plan.

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“The impasse was over the size of the development which the health board claimed was too large for a practice with a patient list of more than 2,000 but as Dr Redman explained it was projected that the practice needed to have the capacity to accommodate 2500m to 3000 patients.

“Dr Redman’s team had determined a size of 300 sq. m plus circulation space but the health board insisted that it should be 300 sq. m including circulation space.

“Dr Redman and his team were adamant the even 300 sq. m would not allow the surgery to carry out all the aspects of Care Closer to homes that were pivotal to the Welsh government’s plan for a healthier Wales.”