THE organiser of a new market is calling on support to help it plug any gaps left by the impact of the closure of Whitchurch Civic Centre.

Sharron Marriott runs Make Your House a Home in Watergate Arcade, opposite White Lion Meadow in Whitchurch, and has successfully run two markets already.

She has called it Plum Tree Market and says there are two more to be held in the coming month on Saturday, July 13 and Saturday, July 27, running across the day.


Sharron explained the work behind the new market.

“There is an area opposite my shop where Tesco has kindly allowed me to use the area free of charge to hold regular markets,” she said.

“In the open space, there are a couple of trees. One tree is a plum tree so the area has been named Plum Tree Square Market.

“We have now successfully held two markets and more are planned for Saturday, July 13 and 27.

“It’s a really good space that doesn’t get used much at all,” she added.

“We feel the footfall has dropped in the town because of what has been happening to the Civic Centre so we’ve tried to make use of the space to make something that would reflect that we are a market town after all

“We’re wanting to replicate what sort of market we’ve had in the centre of town.

“We’re calling for stall holders who make their own foods or the owns items and who own their own equipment, with public liability insurance, to come along to trade at the market.

“That’s why the pitches are so cheap at just £10 – that’s who we want to attract.

“We’re calling people to come and support this market like they would support any other in the town by coming to shop here and buy things.

“But it’s stall holders that we need too to come here and sell things, offer Whitchurch people something and make it a big success.”

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Anyone wishing to become a stallholder at Plum Tree Market can do so by contacting Sharron via email at

Or you can call her over the phone at the shop on 01948 662233 or on her mobile at 017961 823242.

Pitches are £10.