A MARINA between Whitchurch and Wem was the place to be last week as it celebrated 50 years with a special community event.

David and Linda Grocott, the sibling owners of Whixall Marina, hosted the special event for the community to celebrate the marina’s 50th anniversary.

Linda admitted she was delighted to see so many people enjoy the benefits of their hard work on the day.


She said: “We were aware that the marina and its facilities were on the decline and when it came up for sale seven years ago, we took the opportunity to invest in its future.

“Our family has long and entwined connections with Whixall, so we’re very proud of the how the marina has developed and it’s heartening to see it buzzing again and being well used by local people.

“We also have the advantage, of course, of being surrounded by amazing countryside and our stunning network of mosses.

“The 50th anniversary of the marina is a special milestone within our community, so we wanted to create a summer event which everyone, of all ages, could come along to.

“It was great to have so many people here enjoying the afternoon with us and in rare sunshine.”

Held on Sunday, July 21 with around 250 people in attendance, the afternoon event featured traditional village green games, music from local singer Geoffrey Higgs, face painting and an exhibition featuring historical photographs and memorabilia relating to the marina.

Children received treats of birthday headbands featuring the marina’s famous swan ‘Sid’, a souvenir anniversary badge and a lollipop for completing a birthday quiz.

Guests also enjoyed a share of a celebratory cake produced by Whixall-based baker Julie Ankers.

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A spokesman for the Grocott family explained the background to their work with the marina and how much it means to them.

They said: “Opened in 1974, the marina was created from local farmland and, at the time, created huge excitement in the local area.

“The Grocott family purchased the marina in 2017 from British Waterways and has reinvigorated it with investment in upgrading and adding new facilities, including holiday accommodation and a popular café which has become a firm fixture within the community.”