Businesses in the Whitchurch area have been celebrating after picking up multiple awards at this year’s Great taste awards.

Food producers from Whitchurch and Malpas are celebrating after being recognised in this year’s Great Taste Awards which is “the world’s largest and most trusted food and drink accreditation scheme”.

Lost Barn Coffee Roasters from Tilston were the biggest winners in this years awards picking up a hugely impressive five awards – including getting three stars for their Kenya Kaiguri Nyeri AA – the highest possible rating given out.


The business run by husband and wife team Blair and Jo McKerchar along with business partner Martyn Moloney also received two stars for their Ethiopia Haru and three one stars for their Bloomsbury Blend, Brazil Bom Jesus Barrel-Aged Coffee and Guatemala El Rancho.

The multi award winning Belton Farm near Whitchurch picked up another accolade for their Red Fox Aged Red Leicester which picked up a two-star rating.

Belton Farm describe the cheese as “an intense and complex blend of sweet and savoury distinctive flavours.

“Red Fox is an eye-catching russet-coloured cheese that has a cunningly unexpected crunch. The subtle crunch comes from the naturally occurring calcium lactate crystals, which form as the cheese matures and is the mark of a good cheese.”

Powells Pies in Whitchurch retained their one-star rating for their popular hand raised porkpies.

In a post online the shop said: “We are all absolutely proud as punch to have retained our one-star rating in the 2024 Great Taste Awards.

“Massive thanks to our #Pieshed Team and all our wonderful customers for your continued support.”

Mrs Bourne’s Cheshire Cheese in Malpas also picked up a one star from the judges for their John Bourne’s Blue Cheshire Cheese.

The multi award winning cheese makers have been making cheshire cheese in Malpas since 1930 and are the only producers left of the once famous Blue Cheshire.

The cheese is described as a “balance of a creamy mature cheese with a light colouring of blue veins makes for an extremely smooth yet rich taste which tickles every part of your taste buds but the most important thing is it's neither mild or mature and the blue doesn't dominate the palate.”