THE Horticultural industry 'has to be helped more' according to owners of a nursery business near Whitchurch. 

Heathwood Nurseries, based in Prees Heath, welcomed members of the Horticultural Trades Association to its base last week for an industry talk over what the future holds.

Included in the invitations was North Shropshire MP Helen Morgan as the business, which is one of the largest growers of trees, hedging plants and shrubs in the country, hosted a meeting as part of a campaign for better recognition of the needs of the horticultural sector.


David Lydiat of the Horticultural Trades Association, which represents the entire supply chain explained the importance of the sector employing nearly 680,000 people and generating £6.3m in tax revenue to the treasury.

Irene Gwilliam, owner of Heathwood Nurseries, said: “The sector brings huge benefits to the environment, helping to mitigate climate change, flooding and air pollution while increasing mental and physical health for communities.

“The Government needs to provide greater certainty to major tree planting projects to ensure sufficient stocks would be available when required.”

Irene’s son Wayne, co-owner of the business, explained that with the cell grown technique all of the nutrients required for the plant to flourish are captured in one cell system.

“Cell grown plants provide an extended planting season, requiring very little ground preparation and enables a fully functioning root system with little or no root damage when planting, leading to a higher plant establishment,” he added.

Helen Richardson, of seed producer Forestart, agreed adding that seeds are often harvested up to two to three years before they are planted at a nursery.

She also raised post Brexit border trade and labour issues with Mrs Morgan who was re-elected as the Liberal Democrat MP for North Shropshire at the general election in July 2024.

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Heathwood Nurseries has operated from its base at Prees Heath for more than 48 years and is a family-owned nursery that specializes in cell grown plants which were first introduced to the UK market from the Prees Heath site in 1992.

Mrs Morgan said: “There are issues across the industry with trading arrangements, recruitment, and a lack of certainty over-ambition on planting.

“I’ll be taking these issues up with new ministers as soon as I can.”