A FORMER parliamentary candidate was among the high achievers at Wem’s Thomas Adams School on A-Level results day.

Sam Cladingbowl stood as an independent candidate for the North Shropshire constituency last month, with fellow Wemian Helen Morgan retaining her seat.

He did this while studying for his A-Levels and on Thursday, he was celebrating after he picked up an A in Politics, an A in Religious Studies and a B in French.


Sam is now heading to Durham University to study Theology and Religion.

Staff at Thomas Adams Sixth Form said they were ‘exceptionally proud’ of their Year 13 students.

With 95 per cent of our students securing the required grades for them to successfully access their next steps, with more than 75 per cent achieving their first-choice destination.

Notable results included Jessica Dubicki who achieved A* in Maths, with As in Business Studies and Physics and is following an apprenticeship route.

Toby Wilson achieved straight As in Computer Science, Maths and Physics, and is off to study Engineering at the University of Liverpool.

James Curzon also grabbed straight As in Computer Science, English Literature and Maths and is off to study Computer Science at Bristol University.

Emma Herbert-Jones achieved A* in Psychology A*, and As in Sociology and Religious Studies, and is off on an exciting gap year with Project Trust.

Rachel Lokier achieved As in Biology and Psychology, and B in Chemistry and is moving on to study Radiography at the University of Liverpool.

Delighted headteacher Mark Cooper, said, "We are absolutely thrilled, as these achievements are testament to the hard work of both staff and students throughout their journey at Thomas Adams.

“I would like to congratulate the students and wish them every success as they move on to follow their ambitions.

“Our students are embarking upon undergraduate courses in diverse subjects such as Biology, Radiography, Theology and Religion, Architecture, Film, Professional Policing, Business Management at a range of institutions including Manchester, Bristol, Keele, Aberystwyth, Leeds and Durham.

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“Others are off to begin competitive apprenticeships including West Mercia Police, Jaguar Land Rover and MBDA systems among other fantastic providers.

“There is such a wide variety of destinations, and there are many individual achievements at every level."

Liam Allen, assistant headteacher responsible for Sixth Form, added: "I am really proud of our students, whose hard work and determination have resulted in wonderful personal achievements, we wish them all the very best in what will be a bright future."