WHITCHURCH’S town mayor has welcomed the re-use of an old bank building in the town after he officially welcomed its new owners.

Councillor Andy Hall was on hand to help Matt Konodielko, owner of the Phone Clinic which has moved into the former HSBC bank in the High Street, making the move from St Mary’s Arcade, just 50 yards up the road.

Cllr Hall said he was delighted to visit Matt and his colleague Jamie Weaver and wished them good luck.


He said: “I was delighted to attended the Phone Clinic to celebrate their expansion to their new premises in the Hight Street in the old Midland (HSBC) Bank.

“It's great to see the tasteful revitalisation of the old building which has been closed for some years.”

Matt admitted he was delighted to receive the mayor’s visit.

He said: “I was delighted to see the mayor – it’s great that our local politicians come to support independent business.

“The move here wasn’t easy as the building needed a lot of work on it. We were working in the old shop in the day and in the evening, we were here renovating this place.

“But we’re looking forward to being here for a long time.”

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Cllr Hall was also able to get his singing voice out and treat the Whitchurch Singers to a few bars in a singalong at a coffee morning in aid of St Alkmund's 'Fabric Fund' in the Market Hall.

He added: “In a busy Friday Market organisers raised more than £400 for the St Alkmunds fund with their coffee morning.

“I had the opportunity to join in with the fabulous Whitchurch singers – community spirit at its very best.”