Vandals who damaged an emergency defibrillator will be reported to the police, Whitchurch Town Council has said.

The Bullring defibrillator was targeted by "clearly mindless individuals" on Thursday evening (August 22).

The cover of the defibrillator has been left with wires exposed making the life-saving device unusable.


The town council has confirmed that a replacement defibrillator cabinet could be installed next week.

Many of the town’s defibrillators have been installed through fundraising by residents with each instillation costing in the region of £1,500 to £2,000.

In a statement, Whitchurch Town Council said: “Sadly, our Bullring defibrillator has come in for some 'unwanted' attention overnight.

“In the absence of a cover, exposing wiring circuits, this defib will be unavailable as we await a replacement cabinet, which is on order and will be received next week.

“Don't worry, though - there are a number of other defibs in the immediate area in the meantime, and we will ensure the replacement is installed as soon as it arrives.

“Apologies for the inconvenience caused to our community by some, clearly, mindless individuals.

“We are reviewing CCTV and will report the incident.”