THE outline plans for a development on Whitchurch’s former ambulance station has been approved with conditions by Shropshire Council.

The development, in Queensway, has already received outline planning permission in November 2022 from Shropshire Council but reserved matters for plots three to five were also submitted to the council’s planning portal on Tuesday, April 23, by applicant Matthew Hipkins, of Hipkins Homes Ltd from Malpas.

Shropshire Council planning officer Mared Rees, in her report approving the development, said the plans were suitable but subject to conditions.

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She said: “Dwellings in the immediate locality have a varied and eclectic design and appearance.

“The original street scene elevation indicated that the proposed dwellings would have very similar appearances to one another and were not considered to have any variety or reflect the existing vernacular.

“Alterations to the designs were made during the course of the application. Plots 3 and 4 have included design detailing on the larger front gables.

“There is also a variety of window design and treatments now proposed. The appearance of the proposal is considered to be a betterment to the originally proposed and is considered more reflective of the existing vernacular and design of dwellings in the immediate locality.


“The overall plot size is considered can comfortably accommodate the scale of each dwelling along with associated parking provision and garden space, without appearing unduly cramped or overdeveloped.

“The street scene elevations and boundary treatments plan show a mix of boundary treatments which include low boundary walls, metal railings and soft landscaping and planting which is considered to be appropriate.”

Conditions attached to the plans include a risk assessment, equalities and financial implications.