A CONVICTED fraudster from Prees has said she disputes some of the purchases she is accused of ahead of a proceeds of crime (POCA) hearing in the autumn.

Tracie Brookes, 57 and of Mill Street, stole £30,934.70 from her then employer Prees Heath Forest Nursery between October 2015 and May 2018.

She was spared immediate custody by Judge Laura Hobson in February this year, receiving a 21-month sentence suspended for 18 months.


In November, she will be told how much she is expected to pay back of the money she stole from the nursery belonging to Peter Gwillam, who previously told The Herald that a lack of jail sentence ‘has denied him justice’.

At Shrewsbury Crown Court on Wednesday, August 28, the court heard that Brookes, who appeared in person, is disputing some of the credit card purchases included in the charges she pleaded to.

Miles Taylor, representing Brookes, asked Recorder Paul Stagg KC to insert new dates into the POCA timetable to allow for an itemised document of the purchases she is disputing.

He asked for it to be completed within two weeks which was not opposed by prosecution barrister Omar Majid.

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Recorder Stagg ordered a new Section 17 of the POCA to be served by the defence to the prosecution and a Section 16 response from the prosecution if required.

He said: “By Thursday, September 12, Tracie Brookes will sign a Section 17 statement to include an annotated copy of the exhibits already produced indicating, clearly, the transactions she disputes and setting out a case of how they were made.

“By Thursday, October 10, pros, if so advised, should reply a Section 16 reply to that statement and the POCA hearing remains for November 29.”