ELLESMERE’S vital food share project recently a VIP guest wanting to boost their message in helping people.

The High Sheriff of Shropshire, Brian Welti, recently visited Ellesmere Food Share to discuss how he could be of help to the project.

Organisers Penny Harrison and Anne Wignall showed Mr Welti, who lives in the town, around the store and explained how support is provided.


Penny said: “It is a sad sign of the times that we are still helping 50-60 families a week and numbers show no sign of decreasing.

“We rely on cash donations from our service users, the League of Friends, local shops that have cash collection boxes and other generous benefactors.

“We spend upwards of £300 a week in order to keep our shelves filled.

“Grants are difficult to come by – fortunately we were successful last year but we are constantly on the lookout for more funding.”

The Food and Warm Clothes Sharing project opened in December 2022 with more than 30 volunteers.

The aim was to offer help to all those struggling to make ends meet and to share with everyone the surplus food received from local supermarkets.

Each week, Aldi, Lidl and Tesco offer the Food Share their outdated fruit, vegetables and frozen items.

This food is available for anyone to come along and help combat waste and reminders are posted on Facebook.

Anne, a former mayor of the town, added: “We are pleased that the High Sheriff is interested in the work of Ellesmere Food Share and will help to spread the word to those who need support and to anyone who would like to donate cash or food.

“We are very grateful for all the help we have received from the community.”

The Food Share is based at Our Space in Trimpley Street (next door to Churchmere Medical Centre) and is open on Tuesdays from 9.30-11.30am, and 2.30-4.30pm; Thursdays from 2.30-4.30pm and on Saturday mornings from 9.30-11.30am.

For further information or to make a donation, please contact FWC1@protonmail.com or call into Our Space.