Whitchurch Rotary is offering three free car boot stalls to local charities and community groups looking to fundraise before Christmas.

This offer comes ahead of their Christmas car boot sale on October 6, their last car boot sale of the year.

David Ryder, Whitchurch Rotary president, explained: "That’s why we would like to end the season by giving three local causes the opportunity to raise much-needed funds."

The popular event attracts many people seeking Christmas bargains.

Mr Ryder added: "Our car boot sales are now well established features that attract dozens of stallholders and long queues of regular buyers.

"Fundraisers can contact us through our website at whitchurchrotary.org.uk and the first three applications we receive before 16 September will get free pitches to sell and raise money or simply promote themselves."

The offer applies to the standard car rate usually costing £10.