A CAR which was more than two-thirds destroyed by fire prompted a call out for Shropshire to help North Wales firefighters on Sunday. 

One crew was Whitchurch was sent to an incident on the A525 in Redbrook Maelor, near the town, at around 11.35pm, to give assistance to firefighters from North Wales Fire and Rescue Service (NWFRS).

READ MORE: Shropshire firefighters called out to car and hedge fire

A spokesman for NWFRS confirmed that action was taken to tackle the car fire.


They said: “A saloon car was found on fire involving 70 per cent of the vehicle.

“Firefighters used two hosereel jets and two breathing apparatus to tackle the fire.”

A stop message was sent to NWFRS from Shropshire to confirm the details of the incident and that no further was support was required at around 12.25am.