PLANS to provide an additional apartment in Whitchurch above Domino's pizza shop have been granted planning permission by Shropshire Council.

The applicant, PK Silva Ltd, wanted to provide the additional apartment at 30-32 in High Street in Whitchurch and it was granted permission by the unitary authority on Thursday, April 27.

The application received an objection from Roger Jones who voiced concerns on how the building works could cause a disturbance to his property.


He said: "I don't want to experience the same issues as last time."

He added: "Both my property and the neighbouring building are of exceptional age where excessive building works affects my joining property walls eg. cracking/decor.

"If the owner arranges a party wall agreement then this will cover any damaged that might occur when the works is being carried out and work carried out to the lawful working hours."

In granting planning permission Shropshire Council laid out the conditions for the development.

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Planning and development services manager, Tabitha Lythe said: "The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

"The development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved plans, drawings and documents.

"The construction works shall only be conducted between 7am and 6pm on weekdays and 8am and 1pm on Saturdays with no working or activities on Sundays, Bank or public holidays to protect the amenities of occupiers of nearby properties from potential nuisance."